
Safeguarding Policies




The Children and Families Act 2014 amends section 22 of the Children Act 1989 to require every local authority in England to appoint an officer employed by the authority, or another authority, to make sure that its duty to promote the educational achievement of its looked after children is properly discharged. That officer is referred to as the Virtual School Head (VSH).

This document contains information on what schools and colleges should do and sets out the legal duties with which schools and colleges must comply in order to keep children safe. It should be read alongside statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children, and departmental advice What to do if you are worried a child is being abused- Advice for practitioners. 

TEFAT and Shirestone Academy are committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In line with that commitment we expect employees, volunteers, and anyone associated with TEFAT Academies who has serious concerns about any aspect of practices encountered within an Academy to come forward and voice those concerns without fear of reprisals. This Policy is to support staff wanting to raise such issues

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Keeping Children Safe in Education (often shortened to KCSiE) is a piece of statutory government guidance that sets out the legal duties all staff in education must follow to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people aged under 18 years in schools and colleges.


Complaints Policy

This Policy and the procedures for its implementation aim to clarify the way in which complaints are managed. The Policy also seeks to promote a consistent and transparent approach to dealing with complaints

Charging and Remissions

The aim of our Charging and Remissions Policy is to ensure that, during the academy day, all children have full and free access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

Conflicts Policy

Conflicts Policy

Trustees of a charity have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the charity. For the purposes of charity law, the trustees are those people who are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the charity. The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (the “Company”) is an “exempt” charity, the Principal Regulator being the Secretary of State for Education. The trustees of the Company are the directors and the charity's governing document, the Articles of Association, explains what the directors must do to avoid situations where there may be a potential conflict of interest

Finance Policies

Finance Policies

Fraud and Corruption Policy

The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (TEFAT) expects employees at all levels will adopt the highest standards of propriety and accountability. This procedure is non-contractual and set out the steps that are taken to combat fraud and corruption.

Gifts and Hospitality Policy

The intention of the policy is to ensure that employees and Trustees of The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (TEFAT) and TEFAT Academies can demonstrate that no undue influence has been applied or could be said to have been applied by any supplier or anyone else dealing with the business dealings.

Education Policies


 Anti Bullying Policy

This Policy aims to: resist all bullying at the Academy and create a positive atmosphere and environment for all pupils to thrive in, give pupils the confidence to speak out against bullying and make the Academy bully free, raise awareness amongst pupils, parents and staff and give advice on what they should do to help.

Attendance Policy

Our attendance policy aims to ensure that pupils to attend school regularly; consequently they will be able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available.

Behaviour Management

This policy aims to ensure that behaviour at TEFAT Academies maintains the ‘outstanding’ standards as determined by OFSTED.


Provision of ‘real-life’ opportunities enables pupils to achieve a fuller understanding of the world around them. TEFAT encourages academies to maximise opportunities for children to engage with valuable learning experiences outside the school site while ensuring they are well planned and safe.

The aim of our Home Learning policy is to promote learning beyond the school day as an essential part of good education.

This policy outlines the features and guiding principles, which we believe, are characteristic of high quality learning and teaching. They form the basis for monitoring and evaluating pupil progress and achievement and are a means to identify areas in which we seek further improvement.

RHSE Policy

This policy document defines what we mean by Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development and outlines specific strategies to secure development for all pupils.

Equality Policies


We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations in relation to age (as appropriate), disability, ethnicity, gender, religion and sexual identity.

In the TEFAT community it is accepted that every person is equally important and that no one has the right to harass, insult, attack, or cause offence to any other person for any reason. All members of the trust are individuals, but are also members of a community where it is possible to learn from each other and celebrate the culture and beliefs of each person. This document recognises the principles and responsibilities of institutions as identified in the October 2010 Equalities Act.

Local Policies

The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust expects that members of the public, parents and other visitors to this academy will behave in a polite and courteous manner to each other, to staff and to pupils.

The aim of this policy is to protect both the organisation and the individuals involved from any appearance of impropriety.

Supporting Pupils With Medical Needs

Supporting pupils with medical needs

In meeting the duty to make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions, functions can be conferred on a governor, a principal, a committee or other member of staff as appropriate. Help and cooperation can also be enlisted from other appropriate persons. We expect that an approach to meeting the duty will be taken in light of the statutory guidance.

Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy

To ensure that all parents and carers are able to provide the required uniform, second-hand uniforms will be made available by the school. We will contact parents at the end of each term when we have a second hand uniform to collect.  There is no charge for second hard uniform. 

Other Policies