School Admissions and Appeals
The academy will comply with all relevant provisions of the Department for Education’s School Admissions Code 2014 (“the Admissions Code”) the School Admission Appeals Code of 2012 (“the Appeals Code”) and the law on admissions. The academy will, through The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust (TEFAT), consult as may be required and/or necessary.
All academies in the TEFAT network participate in the co-ordinated admission arrangements administered by the local authority in the relevant geographical location and in respect of other arrangements specified in the Admissions Code. Applications for admission to the Academy should therefore be made to the local authority admissions section.
Admission Appeals should also, in the first instance, be made to the local authority admissions section.
For further information about school admissions and admission appeals please contact the Admission Officer
Parents/carers who would like to apply for an in year place during the academic year, please refer to the policy below.
For any questions/queries please contact the school admissions manager Mrs April Jones on 0121 675 4686.
Please note appeals should be made to Birmingham City Council on 0121 303 1888.
Please click here to download a copy of the in year application form. Please note you can request a paper copy by calling the school office on 0121 675 4686.
The Academy has now determined the admissions policy for entry into the academic years, which can be viewed by clicking on the link:
Nursery Application Parent Information
Parents wishing to make a nursery application must do so by applying direct to the school. The nursery has the capacity to offer the equivalent of 52 15 hour places. This could be a mixture of 30 hours or 15 hours. Parents are advised to contact the school if they are considering applying to nursery