Welcome to Our Academy!
Shirestone Academy
I am incredibly proud to announce that Shirestone Academy was judged OUTSTANDING by OFSTED. We have been judged as OUTSTANDING in every area. This outcome is very close to my heart and as Headteacher I am beaming with pride with the report findings. It says everything that needs to be said about the ethos and culture of this incredible school and the ‘family’ that it is. I could not be more proud of the children, staff and our community.
Please take some time out read this incredible report of the wonderful school I lead and love.
Over the holidays you may have a concern for a child.
Worried about a child?
Safeguarding at Shirestone Academy
If a child is in immediate danger or at risk of immediate harm, you should contact the Police on 999
If you are concerned about a child you should share your concern with our local Children’s Social Care Service by calling 0121 303 1888
You can also contact the NSPCC for advice on 0808 800 5000 or email help@NSPCC.org.uk
If you have non urgent information about the safety or welfare of a child to share with the safeguarding team at Shirestone Academy then please email help@shirestone.org
Please note, this email is only monitored once daily during school holidays, it is not monitored during weekends.
If you need an immediate response or if you are concerned for a child’s immediate safety or welfare please contact the Police.

Dear Parents,
May I, on behalf of the pupils, staff, and The Elliot Foundation trust, take this opportunity to welcome you to the Shirestone Academy website. I hope you find it purposeful in providing you with a brief insight into school life.
We see our school community as a family, with third and fourth generations of families being educated at Shirestone Academy. I am privileged to lead a team of highly skilled, experienced and dedicated teaching and support staff. We also value the involvement of parents and friends of the school in working together to provide the best that our young people deserve.
We were judged as an Outstanding school by OFSTED and we aim to ensure children are given a world class education to help shape them for the future. Our links with the local secondary schools are excellent and we ensure every transition opportunity is given to children to help prepare them for secondary school.
As a school we believe in mutual respect between children, staff and parents and this underpins our core vision to ensure all children are given the best possible experience a primary school can provide. This includes academic opportunities as well as non academic. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum enriched with visitors, visits, events and activities to inspire in each child a joy for learning. Our ethos focuses our expectations that our children are honest and respectful, care for others and work hard to develop skills which will allow them to be good citizens and achieve success now and in the future.
We look forward to welcoming you and your children into our school.
Nadeem Bashir
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